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47.3 million US dollars generated from Tourism in March for the local economy

WILLEMSTAD, April 30th, 2018 – A direct impact of $ 47.3 million US dollars is generated for the local economy in March 2018. Last year, the same month generated $ 42.6 million US dollars. This is an 11% increase of the direct impact to the local economy. 53% of the total direct impact is generated from European visitors who are responsible for $ 25.3 million US dollars. The North American, South American and other regions generated respectively $ 13.5, $ 6.0 and $ 2.5 million US dollars.

The overall stayover arrivals in March are positive recording 5% growth. A total of 36,241 stayover arrivals were welcomed in March where last year 34,550 stayover arrivals were counted. Curaçao welcomed a total of 13,708 stayover visitors from the Netherlands in March 2018. An increase of 3% compared to March 2017. The Netherlands continues to be the leading country where 38% of our share from stayover arrivals is originating. The second main country in Europe is Germany. This year with no direct service from Germany we registered 2,534 German visitors, a 9% increase in stayover arrivals. The growth in stayover arrivals with no direct air service is because this year Passover holiday fell in March, while last year this holiday was in April. Overall the European region grew by 8% in March 2018. A total of 19,119 stayover visitors are recorded.

CTB registered a total of 9,635 stayover visitors from North America in March 2018, ranking North America the second biggest contributor in visitor arrivals. Curaçao welcomed a total of 3,272 stayover visitors from Canada. From the United States of America an increase of 5% is registered in March 2018. In total 6,363 stayover visitors are registered. Last year we recorded 6,067 stayover arrivals from USA.

Both secondary focus countries from South America performed very well recording double digit growth. From Colombia we registered an increase of 52% to a total of 1,387 stayover visitors. The increase in stayover arrivals is the result of marketing efforts in combination with the Passover Holiday. Traffic from Brazil recorded growth of 24% in March 2018. In total 697 Brazilians were welcomed.

Out of the Caribbean region we see an increase of 10% in stayover arrivals. A total of 1,875 Caribbean visitors were welcomed in March 2018. From our neighbor island Aruba a growth of 48% is registered. A total of 1,101 Aruban visitors travelled to Curaçao in March where the peak in arrivals is visible days before Passover Holiday and the BlueSeas Festival.

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