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Curaçao welcomes over 35,000 stayover visitors in February 2022

WILLEMSTAD- March 14, 2022 –The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 35,451 stayover visitors for the month of February. From these 35,451 arrivals, 69% traveled from Europe, 17% from
North America, 8% from South America, 3% from the Caribbean region and 2 % from the rest of the
world. In overall, we welcomed an average of 1,266 stayover visitors per day who spent a total of
357,327 visitor nights in Curaçao.

For February, we welcomed 21,624 Dutch visitors, which is 25% more than February 2019 (pre-pandemic).
Out of Germany and Belgium, we registered 849 and 736 visitors respectively. Of these European visitors,
58% stayed in resort hotels in February.
From the United States of America, we welcomed 5,492 visitors in February. Five hundred ninety-three
visitors were welcomed out of Canada. In total we welcomed 6,085 visitors from North America. North
American visitors stayed 69% in resort hotels.

We welcomed 2,980 from the South American region. Of the South America arrivals, 1,168 (39%) and 591
(20%) traveled from Colombia and Brazil, respectively. Fifty-four percent (54%) of all South American
visitors stayed in resort hotels. From the Caribbean region, we have welcomed 1,194 stayover visitors in
February, primarily from the Dutch Kingdom islands.

There were 40 cruise ship calls and 43,601 cruise visitors for the month of February.
February visitor arrivals outperformed the January arrivals, especially from the US market. Our progress to
recoup our pre-pandemic production continues in the right direction. All efforts to register positive tourism
performance is a joint collaboration between our local stakeholders combined with our international
partners. CTB foresees even better months ahead now that Covid-testing is no longer an entry requirement
to visit Curaçao.

For the Stayover Visitor Arrivals, February 2022 Click here

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