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Institute for Professional Excellence: For the jobs of the future right here, right now

WILLEMSTAD — De jobs of the future now are here and our people must be prepared for them. The Institute for Professional Excellence (IPE) aims at re-educating and qualifying our workforce so that it can benefit from the jobs of the future. These jobs are the result of global technological developments.

The IPE is preparing seventeen teachers for the courses Operator Regenerative  Organic Agriculture (Operadó di Agrikultura Orgániko Regenerativo), Aquaponics and Hydroponics. Te IPE has also launched its portal where interested ones can sign up to be ready for and informed about the new opportunities that are emerging.
Logical step for SmartNation
The IPE was formed in 2016 on the initiative of the Bureau Telecommunicatie & Post, the Aqualectra and the UTS. The SOAB and the Chata have joined too, since then. The IPE is a logical step coming forth from one of the important pillars in the great effort to develop Curaçao into a SmartNation.

IPE’s mission is to supply programs for schooling the professionals of the participating entities and from other corners of society – but also other service providers – so that they will be able to do the jobs of the future. Good use is made of synergy in this regard, to make wellness attainable for as many as possible in society, preparing them for the jobs of the future. The IPE offers education and the possibility to optimize knowledge at all levels with the chance to improve the skills that are important for the jobs of the future.

Not to compete but to prepare
It’s worth mentioning that the IPE will not compete with the existing institutions for education. The IPE aims at not only re-education and labor market preparation but also at connecting the individual with this global process so he can get a job or provide independently for his own means of income.  

The IPE doesn’t emphasize traditional but rather specialized areas of education such as: data analysis, cybersecurity specialization, waste management and data protection. In fact, there is already demand for these specializations – that can be seen as the jobs of the future – and it is exactly this gap that the IPE wants to fill for our people. Jobs in tourism, the fastest growing sector of our economy, will also receive appropiate attention. 

Solutions in case of job loss
Besides the employees of the entities that are part of the IPE, others with a secondary education who have lost their jobs in the past two to three years, can also be re-educated. This will make them qualify again for paid work – through the jobs of the future. The focus is also on making those with less education work ready. Their skillsets will be expanded, enabling them to fulfill positions that do not require much specialization in, among other, the production of and the facilities for durable energy and in waste-to-energy processes in the so-called circular economy. 

Signing up
All those interested can sign up at A form that is easy to fill in, will indicate the necessary interest to be matched to the opportunities that the IPE offers, en route to a job of the future that suits each one’s preference.

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