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Nosturismo (2)

On March 17th CHATA launched “NosTURismo” which if translated to English means OURtourism. CHATA firmly believes that tourism and destination development is a contribution of all us. Tourism does not have one owner, it is owned by the thousands of people living and working on Curaçao both directly and indirectly in our tourism industry. Fact is that our local economy is driven by tourism. And Tourism is driven by our people.

For the next 12 months (1 year) CHATA will be “capturing people doing what they love” without knowing that they are part of our tourism industry. Besides capturing, we are celebrating. Celebrating the passion and motivation that makes this tourism business happen.

Say hello to Mr. Jardino Haseth who sells fresh coconuts to locals and tourists alike at Marie Pampoen. CHATA captured an inspiring story about how his determination made him a success. Waking up early in the morning and personally climbing coconut trees in search of his products to sell is a true tale of the entrepreneurial spirit that he has. We all have a role and we all can benefit from this industry and Mr. Haseth is a clear example of tourism being a contribution OF ALL OF US.

NosTURismo, Nos TUR, all of us are part of the tourism industry. To see the video segments check out CHATA’s Facebook page showing a behind the scenes experience of people working in the tourism industry without being aware of it.


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